Hair removal common question and answer
1. What is laser hair removal?
The principle of laser hair removal is based on selective photothermal action. The laser beam of a certain wavelength is used to properly adjust the pulse width and energy density, and it passes through the surface layer of the skin to reach the hair follicle of the hair. The light energy is absorbed and converted into heat energy that destroys the hair follicle tissue. , so that the hair loses its ability to regenerate. Laser hair removal is a safe and fast method for hair removal.
2, Is it effective to shave the hair?
Laser hair removal usually takes several times to remove the hair. There are two reasons for this: First, the hair follicles are mostly bundled together in three groups, opening in the same pore. One of the hairs in the pores is the hair that grows in one of the three hair follicles below it, so one treatment It can only destroy one hair follicle in a group; the second is hair growth through the growth period, degenerative period, and rest period. Laser hair removal in the growing period is 75% effective, and the regression period is 25%. The rest period is almost ineffective.
3. Can permanent hair removal be achieved?
After laser treatment, the average reduction is 20% to 30% each time. In general, after several laser treatments, the hair clearance rate can reach 95%. Of course, its efficacy is affected by many factors, and the current technology has not succeeded in permanently removing white hair and fine hair.
4. Is laser hair removal harmful to the skin?
Since there are many melanin in the hair follicle, it can preferentially absorb a large amount of laser energy and finally convert it into heat energy, so that the temperature of the hair follicle rises and the function of destroying the hair follicle is achieved. In this process, since the skin does not absorb laser energy relatively, or absorbs a small amount of laser energy, the skin itself will not be damaged when the appropriate energy parameters are selected.
5. Will hair be more black?
The remaining hair after laser treatment will become finer and the color will become lighter. While shaving, plucking, hair removal cream hair removal, wax paper hair removal, etc., people who use these methods for a long time will gradually become thicker, harder and darker.
6. Is the hair removal effect the same for all people and all parts?
The effect of hair removal is related to the number of treatments, the type of skin, the thickness and color of the hair, and the treatment site. Generally, the whiter the skin color, the darker and stronger the hair, the better the reaction, and the better the hair removal effect.
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